Wednesday, December 21, 2011

12/21 Expressions

Frugal deeds for the day:  I found out today that I will be getting a bonus at work - of which I am very grateful especially in these tough economic times.  For lunch, I took my daughter to Brueggers and we ate lunch with the giftcard we purchashed last month.  For dinner, we just came back from Earthfare - I purchased the salad sampler - 3 salads for $9.99 - most of the salads are around $9.99 a lb.  So, the sampler weighed almost 1.5 lbs - and my daughter purchased 2 creme bruelees - we each had a coupon for a quart of natural ice cream for free - $4.99 - when you spend $5.  We are happy and full.  I also got my order from Overstock - with my "rebate" money - so, I have stocking stuffers for my daughter and husband.  I am still waiting for the silverware - which I may save.  If we end up buying into the proposed new condominium building - I am sure we will want to furnish it ourselves.  If I remember correctly, in the past, furniture packages started at $25K.  I think I can spend a lot less - and have just as good, if not better look with my own unique pieces :)


Linda said...

I personally never go with furniture packages myself, I find them too overpriced. I usually check 2nd hand store for furniture or usually craigslist has a bunch on them.

A Frugal Mom's Financial Expressions said...

Linda, I think they are waay over-priced myself. If we end up building - I will have 18 months to look for bargains. I plan to attend auctions, second handstores, etc. I have found some really good quality items are starting to hit thriftstores - including brand new "name brand" mattresses at a fraction of retail price. Also, great quality furniture is going for pennies on the dollar.