Sunday, January 4, 2009

1/4 Expressions

Tomorrow, I will be going back to my job outside of the home - after a nice vacation. I had to cut back my 401K equivalent deduction - because I was going over the limit - and would have missed out on my employer's contributions. So, as much as I dread it, I will be increasing my deductions again and adjust for the new ceiling. It was nice while it lasted. On our way home from the beach yesterday, I purchased groceries at Aldi - so, no additional grocery shopping necessary. My husband is running errands and is stopping by Wal-mart to pick-up a free Redbox movie - with code 11moms4uA. I read an interesting tidbit that flashed across the bottom of the tv screen - haven't checked it out - but if I remember correctly - it said Wal-Mart and McDonalds were the only DOW companies to show a profit (not sure for the last quarter of '08). I guess people are trying to be a bit more frugal? I looked at my "lettuce garden" - I have some sprouts - nothing yet on my lavender.

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