Friday, February 15, 2013

2/15 Expressions

Frugal deeds for the day:  Today, I went to Wal-Mart and did my grocery shopping.  Even though a few items are cheaper at Aldi - it wasn't worth the drive to me.  Seems gas prices jumped another 20 cents in a week.  Also, my Wal-Mart giftcard was purchased with paypal $ I earned selling items we no longer wanted.  So, no additional $ out of my pocket.  I also gassed my husband's car up.  So, I used up the Wal-Mart giftcard and a bit of the $25 VISA card I won.  I still have $ on the VISA card and will use it to round out groceries next week.  I did a stock-up shop today - so, we really shouldn't need much next week.  The Demo lady at Wal-Mart was giving out .50 mfg coupons for 2LT Diet Pepsi - my husband has cut way back - but still drinks the stuff.  I asked the lady for a few coupons and she was generous.  I did get 1 free 2 LT Pepsi Next with a coupon that made it free - but the .50 coupons will go to a grocery store that doubles - and  hopefully, the stuff will go on sale for $1 or less - so more free Pepsi for my husband.  My husband is working on the flooring - we are making progress.    Added:  Shortly, I plan to make a big pot of Chili and Triffle for dessert - I have some dried out cake and scones - and plan to add a few other ingredients so that they don't go to waste.

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