Friday, February 1, 2013

2/1 Expressions

Frugal deeds for the day:  January flew-by.  Today, I went to yoga, and for completing the January Challenge, I got a certificate and a very nice re-usable shopping bag.  Then, off to the bank to sign-up for the account to get a free Kindle Fire HD.  Then my husband and I shared a Venti Carmel Macchiato at Starbucks paid for with my free drink reward.  Oh, the cashier at Kroger made a mistake - and we got 1 item free (NAAN) - it was on manager's special and apparently when it was re-priced, the sticker did not cover the UPC and so, the regular price scanned.  I mailed another ebay sale out.  We are going to work on the flooring tomorrow.  I may work on the quilt for my dad on Sunday.  I also need to list a few more items on ebay.  My basil is sprouting :)  Oh, and wasn't the stock market nice today :)  Whoot!

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