Saturday, June 30, 2012

6/30 Expressions

Frugal deeds for the day:  This month sure flew by fast.  We are experiencing a heat wave here.  So, I have been using gray water to water my trees.  I have a bunch of peaches and pears that look promising - so, just want to give them a little boost.  Today, my daughter and I are planning to drop some more items off at the consignment store and check to see if she made any funds.  I also plan to do a bit of grocery shopping since we will be having a cook-out on Wednesday to celebrate the 4th.  We have invited my dad over.  My daughter ad her friend will be heading to the movies this afternoon for some entertainment since it is too hot to do much outdoors.  The two were hoping to use the pool - no additional cost to us - part of our HOA fees, but it wouldn't be fun or healthy.  I plan to return a couple of books and try to do some home maintenance and maybe some cook ahead for us.  I also plan to find some use for 2 bags of mint some kind soul donated in the breakroom at work.  I know I am going to look-up microwave drying for some of it to make a face scrub.  May try to use some in a recipe.  The ones I left in a window sill at work in a clear vase seem to be doing well - hopefully by this time next year - I will have plenty myself.  I have founself becoming a lazy shopper.  Even though I got an e-mail from Bath and Body Works with some enticing deals - I have talked myself out of it.  The economy?  I am talking $2 per Wall-flower re-fill and a $10 off $30 coupon. 

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