Saturday, February 26, 2011

2/26 Expressions

Frugal deeds for the day:  My daughter's guitar string broke.  She's never had that happen.  So, she called her guitar teacher and he told her to buy some string and he taught her how to change the string for free.  Nice teacher.  We also went to Plato's closet.  My daughter got rid of 7 items and bought 2 for almost an even exchange.  Then to the Art Museum to eat at the cafe and see the exhibit with our membership card.  We stopped at the public library and checked-out some books.  We stopped at Publix and got $45 worth of groceries for $5.  My husband looked at the cheaper houses - they were either already under contract or totally trashed.  So, we went up a bit and made an offer on a foreclosure today - hopefully it is accepted.  It is less than 50% of the tax value - the price of a brand new big SUV.  I also noticed I had a box at the front door from yesterday?  From Fed-Ex - it is my first package for being a PUREX INSIDER - sample of laundry softener/fragrance crystals and a coupon for a free one of the same.  I plan to try it shortly and report out the results.  So far, I have opened the bottle and the crystal smell wonderful - "Spring" scent.  I will upload a picture of it shortly.

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