Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2/1 Expressions

Wow - it is February already!  Perhaps next month, I would like to try an experiment.  I would like to see if we can live on our rental income only.  I am hoping I get offered an early retirement soon.  If not, I am thinking about resigning as I can still apply for my retirement pension in just over 6 years.  I am close to my 401K equivalent savings goal.  My big push now is my daughter's education fund.  I planned - purchased pre-paid tuition; set up an education IRA, etc.  But none of them have done very well.  I do have a few more years for them to turn around - get fixed (Pre-paid tuition - I believe there is a class action law suit at the moment), etc.  I believe we have been fairly frugal, but we surely have areas in which we can improve.  But, I am thinking if I don't put any constraints on - it is easier to fritter money away.  Barring big repair bills, 100% vacancy, etc. we should be able to do it.  I am going to give it some thought - of course I will need some cooperation from 2 other people.

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