Monday, August 20, 2012

8/20 Expressions

Frugal deeds for he day:  I got around to making scones last night and had one for breakfast this morning  - yummy.  Since I did not glean enough pecans - I used my cheap raisins from Earthfare as filler - and it was delish :)  I packed it with some hot coffee and it was great for Monday a.m.  I also made some biscuits last night.  Today, my daughter is running her own errands.  She found out she needs a book at Barnes and Noble - so, she clipped a coupon and took a discounted giftcard to get it.  She also needed art supplies for an art class - she went to Michaels with a coupon and a discounted giftcard.  Dear old mom is setting out to walk for some fresh air and free exercise.  I already had soup and salad made yesterday for dinner.  Makes for an easy and frugal Monday!

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